2024-01-05 周五 有火发现试验各人的工程








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Fire Reveals and Proves Each Man’s Work – 1 Cor. 3:12-13

The Basis of Identification Is the Lord

You have to note that identification is a big deal for Christians. We must have a broad identity: the basis of our identity is the Lord Jesus! The basis for our identification is the salvation of the Lord Jesus! The basis of our identity is rebirth, with the Lord Jesus as our life! The basis of our identity is that we love the Lord together. The Lord gives us the Bible, and we respect the help the Bible provides us.

If we are not careful that we do not recognize Christ, neither enjoy much of Christ, nor have the reward for winning Christ, and do not live out the full supply of the Spirit, then you will go to church and celebrate Christmas. What is the result then? In the words of Paul, “The work of each will become manifest, for the day will declare it, because it is revealed by fire…” Revealing by fire will not burn you, but anything that is not from God will be burned. The best judgment is this fire, a burning revealed by fire. It doesn’t count if I said something wrong or made a mistake. It only counts if I won Christ or if I received God’s reward. I hope that at that time, when I pass through the fire, many things can be left behind. I’m so concerned that we have done so much that they are all burned out. In case my work is still there after the burning, I will be rewarded by the Lord.

May All My Work and Life Be Fire-Proved That Day

The Jews have become religious and do not have the reality of the law. Today, as far as religious organizations are concerned, they have joined their group but have not identified themselves with Christ. Because the most terrifying thing about religion is that it bribes you – if you have a gathering, thank the Lord! If you make a donation, thank the Lord! Are you pursuing the Lord? Yes, I have pursuit groups. Based on this, I love the Lord very much and serve him a lot, take care of the saints and for the Lord’s church, know how to bless the gatherings and increase the congregation… But the Lord said, I will truly judge you! All your life and work must be like what Brother Nee said: may all my life and work be able to withstand the fire that day. He understood that one day fire will come and we will all enter into the fire. This is the judgment. Therefore, we must be very cautious, and hope that all my life and work will be able to withstand fire that day, so that you will be valuable before God.