2023-12-30 周六 主的巴路西亚






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The Lord’s Parousia – 1 Thes.4:16-17

The events recorded in Revelation 14:6-13, all of which will take place during the great tribulation (Matt. 24:21), indicate clearly and prove strongly that the first fruit in Revelation 14:1-5 will be raptured before the great tribulation, and the harvest in verses 14 through 16, which includes the majority of believers, will be raptured after the great tribulation. The first fruit will be raptured to the heavens and will be with Christ there. After this rapture, there will be a period of three and a half years, the second half of the seventieth week.

Revelation 12 and 14 both speak of the same period of time. These chapters give us the ground to say that, at the earliest, the parousia of the Lord will begin from the middle of the seventieth week. After the raptures of the man-child and of the one hundred forty-four thousand first fruit, the Lord Jesus will leave the third heaven with these overcoming saints and descend to the air. Instead of coming directly to the earth, he will remain in the air enclosed in a cloud. In Revelation 10:1 Christ is clothed with a cloud, but in Revelation 14:14 he is on the cloud. This latter verse corresponds to 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and indicates that the Lord’s coming back is then to be made public. This means that first the Lord’s parousia will be hidden. Then, according to 2 Thessalonians 2:8 there will be the appearing of his parousia.

The Lord’s coming, therefore, will be hidden before it appears openly. His coming involves a period of time. First it will be in secret, and then it will appear to the public. It will be probably at the end of the seventieth week that the Lord’s parousia will appear. At this time the Lord will no longer be clothed with the cloud, as in Revelation 10, but will be sitting on the cloud, seen openly, as in Revelation 14. That will be the appearing of his parousia, the appearing of his coming.

If we have at least a general idea concerning the Lord’s coming, we shall know why Peter says that the day of the Lord will come as a thief. Not only will the Lord himself come as a thief, but even the day of the Lord will come in this way. The coming of that day will be hidden, not open.