2023-12-09 周六 我们要儆醒预备






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Be Watchful and Get Ready – Matt. 24:42-44

Of the two men in the field, one is taken and the other is left; and of the two women grinding at the mill, one is taken and the other left. The reason for this is that there is a difference between them in the matter of life. I believe that the one taken is mature and that the one left is immature. The life makes the difference. The rapture of the overcomers, those who are mature in life, will be a sign to those who are left. Suppose you are working in the field with a brother and he is suddenly taken away to the heavens. That would certainly be a sign to you. Suppose two sisters are grinding at the mill, and one is taken away to the Lord. Surely that would be a sign to the sister who is left!

In verse 42 the Lord tells us to watch, for we do not know on what day the Lord will come. Then verse 43 says, “But know this, that if the householder knew in what watch the thief was coming, he would have watched and would not have allowed his house to be broken into.” The householder refers to the believer, and the house, to the believer’s conduct and work which he has built up in his Christian life. A thief comes to steal precious things at an unknown time. The Lord will come secretly as a thief to those who love him and will take them away as his treasures.

Hence, we should watch. “Therefore,” as the Lord says in verse 44, “you also, be ready, for the Son of Man comes in an hour that you think not.” This refers to the Lord’s secret coming to the watchful overcomers.

Matthew 24:32 – 25:30 is concerned with the church. In this portion of the Word, everything spoken by the Lord is related to two matters: watchfulness and readiness, and faithfulness and prudence. In chapter 24 watchfulness and readiness is covered in verses 32 through 44, and faithfulness and prudence in verses 45 through 51. In chapter 25, the parable of the virgins illustrates watchfulness, and the parable of the talents illustrates faithfulness. All this is related to us. We need to watch and be ready for the Lord’s coming back so that we may be raptured earlier. We also need to be faithful and prudent in serving the Lord so that we may receive the reward. Thus, watchfulness is for the early rapture and faithfulness is for reward.