2023-11-28 周二 人的体—撒但的住处




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The Human Body – Satan’s Abode – Rom. 7:20-21

God allowed Satan to reach out to man, which was the wisdom of God. God even allowed Satan to enter into man, but God did not allow him to penetrate deeply into man’s spirit. Satan caused death and darkness to the human spirit, but he would never enter into it. However, Satan did enter into the human body. This is why Romans chapter 7 tells us sin and all its lusts are in the members of our body, our body has become the dwelling place of Satan. In other words, Satan is the embodiment of sin who lives in our flesh (Rom. 7:17, 20). Only the living creature can have a dwelling place. From his base in our flesh, Satan wants to take over our soul and put it under his absolute control. However, there is not a single verse in the entire Bible that tells us our spirits are under the control of Satan, Hallelujah!

When you preach the gospel to unbelievers, you should touch their spirit and their conscience, which is the main part of the spirit. Never argue with them in your preaching. The more you argue, the more they have something to respond to and the more excited they become. When you argue with them, you strengthen their soul. There is no way to argue with sinners and convince them. Instead, you must touch their conscience with God’s grace and power. Their conscience is part of their spirit. When you touch their conscience, their spirit will be moved. I have seen many people arguing with God in their mind, but condemning themselves in their conscience and repenting before God in their spirit. Whenever you want to help others, never touch their mind because man’s mind is Satan’s stronghold. In an army, the generals know not to attack the enemy’s strongholds in battle. Instead, they always attack their weak points. If you touch a man’s mind, the whole kingdom of Satan will rise up against you.