2023-11-27 周一 人的灵—联于神





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The Human Spirit – Joined to God – Prov. 20:27

The Bible reveals that there are three aspects in the universe: God, man and Satan. According to Genesis chapter 2, man was placed in front of two trees. The tree of life represents God, and the tree of knowledge represents the evil one, Satan. The revelation of the Bible declares that God’s purpose is to enter into man and become one with him. However, before God entered into man, Satan entered into man first. Satan took the first step to get into man based on his own evil way rather than God’s way. Yet God allowed Satan to be free to do what he did to man, thus God’s sovereignty and authority were demonstrated. However, God didn’t allow him to do as he pleased. This principle is illustrated in the book of Job: God allowed Satan to do certain things on Job, but at the same time he also restricted Satan’s doings (Job 1:12; 2:6).

Although God allows Satan to destroy man, he never allows him to enter into the human spirit, because the human spirit is the lamp of the Lord (Pro. 20:27). God created man in a very special way. Some may think man is an animal, but God does not regard man as an animal. None of birds, fish or beasts have spirits, i.e., animals have no spirits at all. We are men because we have spirits. God is spirit and we also have spirits: those who worship God must worship in spirit (John 4:24). Animals never worship God. Have you ever heard of monkeys building temples to worship God? Have you ever watched a dog or a cat worshiping God? If you study world history, both ancient and modern, you would know that human beings worship God all the time. Perhaps they may not have an appropriate worship each time, but man consistently worships God due to his internal worship organ, which is human’s spirit. Both animals and human beings may have something in common, yet men have one thing that animals are lacking – we have spirits. Thus, we are not animals, we are human beings. This is a big difference between animals and human beings.

Throughout the ages, Satan has used his deceit to cover up the matter of the human spirit. Thus, very few Christians speak of the human spirit, some even say that man’s spirit and soul are the same. Dogs and cats have souls without spirits. Our human spirit is a special organ for worshiping God. The human spirit is the lamp of the Lord and the sanctuary of God. According to Hebrews 4:12-16, our spirit is the Holy of Holies. First of all, our spirit is the lamp of the Lord and eventually our spirit becomes the Holy of Holies.