2023-11-23 周四 两个灵





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Two Spirits – John 4:24, Eph. 2:2

There are two kingdoms and also two spirits. John 4:24 tells us that God is Spirit; Ephesians 2:2 reveals to us that Satan, the leader of the power of the air, is also a spirit. This evil spirit is at work among us. “To operate” is a very important word in the original Greek text. Satan operates and works in a definite way and with a definite purpose. There is an operator of Satan within each one of us, this is the spirit operating in the sons of disobedience. We may talk about freedom, liberation and independence because man likes to be independent. However, no fallen man is independent as a consequence of the operation of Satan.

Matthew 12:26 indicates that Satan has a kingdom, and John 12:31 describes Satan as the king of this world. Satan is not only an operator, he is also a king. He rules over the whole earth, and under him are many subordinates and hierarchies. Ephesians 6:12 describes these hierarchies as principalities and powers, which are various classes in Satan’s kingdom. Satan is the prince of this world and the ruler of the authority of the air. There are men on the earth and rebellious angelic powers in the air, of which Satan’s kingdom is composed. On earth, fallen human beings are citizens of Satan’s kingdom; while in the air, the rebellious angels, the rulers and authorities, rule the earth for Satan. Satan is also an evil spirit that has entered into each one of us to operate without exception. He is such an operator whereby he brings into the kingdom. Satan now lives in the human body, a base that he may seek to control the entire person – mind, emotion and will. A demon-possessed person is always in his mind.

Satan uses the human body as his dwelling place, while the Lord Jesus uses the human spirit as his dwelling place. In his sovereignty, God has preserved the human spirit for himself. Although the human spirit affected by the evil body and corrupt mind is dead, yet we cannot see any hint from the Bible that Satan has entered into the human spirit. When we repent and believe in the Lord Jesus, he immediately comes into our spirit. The Bible clearly tells us that the Lord Jesus Christ is with our spirit (2 Tim. 4:22). From our spirit, he is growing and expanding within us, taking more space in our being. By doing so, he truly reigns in us.