2023-11-20 周一 两个国度







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Two Kingdoms — 1 John 5:19

There are two sources in the whole universe, and there are two kinds of life in these two sources. From these two kinds of life, two kingdoms are generated. God has his life, and from his life comes the kingdom of God; Satan has his evil life, and from Satan’s life comes the kingdom of Satan. Therefore, there are two kingdoms in the whole universe – the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan.

The kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan are both matters of life. The kingdom of God is a matter of divine life, and the kingdom of Satan is a matter of Satanic life. If you think about the world situation, you will see that the entire human race is a kingdom, not only out of human life, but even out of Satan’s life. Today’s human society is the kingdom of Satan’s life. Humanity has become the totality of Satan’s life and all of his activities. Therefore, the kingdom of man has become the domain of Satan, that is, the kingdom of Satan.

We must see these two kingdoms – the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. Eventually, the kingdom of God will devour the kingdom of Satan. When Adam was created by God, he was sinless. God placed Adam in front of two trees, pointing to two sources – God and Satan. God’s purpose in creating man was to establish a kingdom. According to the Bible, the consummation of God’s work is the kingdom. A house signifies a family, and a city signifies a kingdom in the Bible. In eternity, there will be no house, but only one city – New Jerusalem. The apostle John said that he saw there was no temple in the city (Rev. 21:22). The temple will be enlarged into a city, and the city represents the kingdom. Eventually God will establish his kingdom.

How does God establish his kingdom? When we hear the word “establish”, we may think it means putting many materials or elements together, placing one next to another. However, this is not God’s way, his way is to put himself into man as life. This life will grow within us until the kingdom is generated.

Before God entered into man, Satan cunningly entered into man. Like all deceivers, Satan was a good talker. He spoke deceitfully and instilled his thoughts into man’s mind, that is, injecting his evil thoughts into man’s mind. The principle is the same today. Whenever you receive a thought, you act on it. Thought comes first, then followed by an act. The thoughts that are received by man will eventually affect their behaviors. After Satan injected his evil thoughts into man’s mind, man used his body to receive into himself the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.