2023-11-08 周三 国度是神在信徒里面掌权






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The Kingdom Is God’s Reigning Within Believers — Heb. 8:10

Brother Nee once told us a story. One year he went to the mountains to recuperate and stayed at the home of a mechanic. The mechanic was illiterate (just recognized a few characters only) and loved to drink. He was accustomed to drinking before meals, and his wife understood his temper. Brother Nee preached the gospel to the mechanic and led him to salvation. Brother Nee also read the Bible to him daily and explained it to him clearly. One day, when he was about to eat, his wife put wine on the table as usual. When he bowed his head to pray before the meal, he could not say anything and felt very uncomfortable. So they looked up God’s word to find out what God said about drinking alcohol. However, they searched over and over again, and could not find anything. His wife said, “Go ahead and drink it first, and then we may ask Brother Nee when we see him later”. He agreed with his wife and thought God probably would not care about such a trivial matter anyway, so he planned to drink it first. Strangely, the mechanic could not drink the wine at all. Eventually he said, “Take the wine away!” Then they joyfully thanked God and had the meal together.

Lord Jesus did not tell the mechanic not to drink, and he himself did not find any verse from the Bible regarding this matter, so why didn’t he drink the wine? When Brother Nee asked him this, he simply answered, “There is a master within me, and he did not allow me to drink alcohol”. Brother Nee said, “Very good, brother! You must always obey the one who is in charge”. The one who is “in charge” is the one who governs us within us.

As soon as you are saved and receive the Lord as your Savior, you will immediately feel that there is an additional master within you. In the past, there were people who ruled over you outwardly. As long as people could not control you outwardly, you might do whatever you wanted. However, ever since you are saved, there has been a master to take care of you inwardly. Although sometimes people may not care about you outwardly, yet the person inside of you does. Please remember this kind of ruling is kingship, a heavenly kingship. This control is a heavenly ruling within you, and it is the kingdom coming to you. As a result, you are not only saved into the kingdom, you become part of the kingdom.

If we the saved ones submit ourselves to the ruling of the kingdom, then we are the kingdom and God’s kingdom is us; God makes us his kingdom. We are not only saved by God into his kingdom, but we become God’s kingdom. Thus, the world may see that heaven rules over us; we are not under the rule of human’s law, but under the rule of heavenly authority which is much higher than human’s law.