2023-11-03 周五 国度、能力、荣耀





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The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory – Matt. 6:9-10

Every time God mentions the kingdom, there is something concerning authority and glory. For instance, we all know the so-called Lord’s Prayer by heart. If God did not have a kingdom, he would have no way to rule; if he could not rule, he would have no way to fulfill his heart desires; if he could not fulfill his heart desires, all of his glory would not be manifested.

“Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth”. The passing of will is a matter of authority. If a country’s sovereignty cannot reach a certain place, then the laws of that country cannot be enforced there. In order for God to do his will on earth, he must extend his authority to earth; in order for God to exercise his authority on earth, he must gain a kingdom on earth. Once there is a kingdom, the God is able to rule, carry out his will and his name be sanctified, then he will receive the glory. Here we see God’s will, God’s glory and God’s name being sanctified, these important matters are all tied to the kingdom of God.

The kingdom is the most central thing in the New Testament. When the Lord Jesus taught us to pray, he specifically asked us to pray for the coming of the kingdom, because God’s desire lies in the coming of this kingdom. If his kingdom comes to the earth, his authority and will can be done on the earth, and his glory will be manifested on earth. All these are tied to his Son. Therefore, his Son must gain the kingdom and must be able to reign. His Son taught us to keep the coming of the kingdom as the center of our prayers. This means that all prayers should be centered on the kingdom.