2023-11-02 周四 国度乃是神的掌权





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The Kingdom Is God’s Ruling – Col. 1:13

At the beginning of the New Testament, the Lord Jesus preached the gospel and said, “Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens has come near” (Matt. 4:17). The gospel we hear is the gospel of the kingdom. What is a kingdom? Most people have three conditions and definitions for a kingdom: first, it must have citizens; second, it must have a land, which is a territory; third, it must have sovereignty. Only with citizens, territory and sovereignty can we become a kingdom. Therefore, the kingdom is concerning sovereignty, authority and domain.

The first characteristic of the kingdom of God is God’s sovereignty; the kingdom of God is where God reigns and God exercises his authority. The kingdom of God is God’s ruling, which is God’s sovereignty. When you and I have not repented and believed in the Lord, we did not have God’s authority upon us, so we were not subject to God’s ruling; God’s sovereignty had no place among us. We were not allowed God to have control over us at all. At that time, we were completely outside the kingdom of God. For six thousand years, none of the tens of thousands of Adam’s descendants on the earth have the authority of God, and none of them has the kingdom of God. Therefore, the kingdom of God has no choice but to remain in heaven. God can only rule in heaven and can only rule over angels in heaven. God has no authority over man on earth, he cannot govern man, and cannot exercise his authority on earth.

The first aspect of the kingdom is the sovereignty of the heavens, that is, a heavenly kingship that comes into you and me to govern us so that we may live a practical heavenly life, a life that is being constrained. In our talk and walk, in our looks and expressions, in our lifestyle and clothing, in how we deal with others, deal with our finances and manage our families, we are all bound by the throne. If we obey, then we are blessed because the kingdom is ours; in other words, we are part of the kingdom.