2023-10-25 周三 国度的赏赐—今世得着百倍




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The Kingdom Reward – To Receive Hundredfold in this Age – Matt. 19:27-29

The kingdom reward is of two parts. The first part is in this age, and the second part is in the coming age. The first part of the kingdom reward is mainly related to material things and natural things. If, for the kingdom’s sake, or for the sake of the Lord’s name, we leave all these things, the Lord will reward us a hundredfold. In verse 29 the Lord said, “Everyone who has left houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or children, or lands for my name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold and shall inherit eternal life.” To receive a hundredfold, houses, lands and relatives, is to be rewarded in this age.

This refers to the enjoyment of the brothers and sisters in the Lord with their possessions today. I can testify that I have left everything to follow the Lord, including my relatives. I hardly have a friend outside the local church. But I have hundreds of brothers, sisters, and mothers. In the church life we all have many mothers, brothers and sisters. In a sense, those in the church life love me more than my relatives do. This is a reward. We need to believe the promise of the Lord that if we leave everything behind us to follow him, we shall receive a reward, even in this age.