2023-10-11 周三 国度的外表





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The Outward Appearance of the Kingdom – Matt. 13:31-32

The Lord’s word in Matthew 13 is not merely a prophecy or a doctrine. It is also a vision of the practical situation of today’s Christianity with respect to the church and the kingdom. Our understanding of the parables must match the practical situation.

We need to see that today’s Christianity is in darkness, and we are in an age of complications. Christ has come and has sown the seed, but the enemy has also come in and has done things to cause complications. Therefore, in this age we have the worldly people; the wheat, the sons of the kingdom, the children of God; and the tares, the false believers, the nominal Christians, the sons of the Devil, who are among the children of God. 

If you look at today’s Christendom, you will see that the real Christians are the wheat and that the false Christians have been mixed with the real ones to frustrate their growth. Everywhere on earth, especially in Europe, we see more false Christians than real ones.  In addition to that, every day we behold the huge façade of Christendom. This is neither doctrine nor mere prophecy. In front of our eyes we have the practical fulfillment of prophecy. We also see leaven everywhere. In Christendom there is leaven in everything. Every aspect and every corner of Christendom has been leavened. If there is a little truth, there is a great deal of leaven added to it. This is the actual situation today.