2023-10-12 周四 藏于神所创造之地的国度





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The Kingdom Hidden in the God-Created World – Matt. 13:44

Christ first found the treasure when he came out to minister, declaring, “Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.” When the Jews’ rejection of the Lord reached its peak, He forsook them. From that time onward, he hid the treasure. Then he went to the cross to buy not only the treasure, but also the field, and he thereby redeemed the earth created by God.

The kingdom and the earth cannot be separated. Matthew 6:10 says, “(May) Your kingdom come”. But a little later in this verse it says, “On earth as it is in heaven.” There is no problem with the kingdom in heaven. The problem is that the Lord will establish his kingdom on earth. God’s will must be done on the God-created world, and the kingdom of God must be established on the earth redeemed by Christ (Matt. 6:10). God created the world and then Satan destroyed it. Finally, the earth was redeemed by Christ. Christ not only redeemed us, he also redeemed the whole earth in order to gain the treasure.

Revelation 11:15 says, “The kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever”. This will happen during the millennium, when the whole earth will become the kingdom of Christ. This is the earthly part of the millennium, the restored nation of Israel. At that time, the Lord will sit on the throne and rule over the nations of the earth.