2023-10-13 周五 产自撒但败坏之世的教会 (一)




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The Church Produced Out of the Satan-Corrupted World (1)  – Matt. 13:45-46

In verse 46 we see that the Lord sold all, whatever he had on the cross, and bought that pearl. The pearl, produced in the death waters (the world filled with death) by the living oyster (the living Christ), wounded by a little rock (the sinner) and secreting its life-juice around the wounding rock (the believer), is also the material for the building of the New Jerusalem. Since the pearl comes out of the sea, which signifies the world corrupted by Satan, it must refer to the church, which is mainly constituted with regenerated believers from the Gentile world, and which is of great value.

The Lord is not only seeking the kingdom; he also desires a beautiful church, the pearl. According to Revelation 21, the New Jerusalem is built with precious stones and pearls. In other words, the New Jerusalem is a combination of the treasure and the pearl. In Matthew 13 these are two, the treasure in the field and the pearl out of the sea. But in Revelation 21 they are combined in one entity. The New Jerusalem is both the kingdom and the church. In Matthew 16 the terms church and kingdom are used interchangeably. Firstly the Lord said, “I will build my church”; then he said, “I give to you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens”.  The fact that these terms are used interchangeably means that the church is equal to the kingdom and the kingdom to the church. Ultimately, in the New Jerusalem the kingdom and the church become one entity.