2023-10-14 周六 产自撒但败坏之世的教会 (二)





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The Church Produced Out of the Satan-Corrupted World (2)  – Matt 13:45-46

By this illustration we see that the church can be both the pearl and the treasure. When we are the pearl, we are out of the sea, out of the world. When we are the kingdom, we are on the earth. However, we are not on the earth in a subdued way, but in a reigning way, for we are on the earth as the heavenly kingdom. 

This should not be mere doctrine to us. It must be our genuine daily practice. If our conversation is filled with talk about worldly things, about money or the movies, it is a sign that we are filled with the things of the Satan-corrupted world. This is the sea. But if among us there is no gossip or criticism, but Christ, the church and transformation, this is a sign that we are the new earth. On this new earth we have the treasure, the kingdom and the proper human life. Even today, this treasure is no longer hidden; it is on the surface of the earth. To the worldly people and to the unbelieving Jews, this treasure is hidden within the earth. Praise the Lord that we have such a treasure in the renewed earth! 

None of the outsiders or unbelievers understands this. Sometimes they say, “We don’t understand those people. We don’t know what they are doing. However, we realize that they are good people”. This is the treasure, the evidence that we are living a proper human life on the God-created and Christ-redeemed earth. At the time of the millennium, in the eyes of God the entire earth will be a treasure.