2023-10-02 周一 诸天之国的奥秘





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The Mysteries of the Kingdom of the Heavens – Matt. 13:10-12
The King of the heavenly kingdom revealed the things of the kingdom in parables in order to make them mysteries to the opposing and rejecting Jews, so that they might not understand them. From the time the King came to sow the seed until he comes back to reap the harvest, everything concerning the kingdom is a mystery to the natural mind. Only the enlightened mind of a submissive heart can understand these mysteries.
When the disciples asked the Lord why he spoke of the kingdom in parables, the Lord seemed to say, “In order to keep it from them and to let you know. Everything depends on you and on them, not on me”. In verse 12 the Lord continued, “For whoever has, it shall be given to him, and he shall be in abundance” ; The words “whoever has” refer to the receiver and follower of the heavenly King, to whom the revelation concerning the kingdom will be given in abundance. But the one who does not have is the opposing and rejecting Jew, from whom what the heavenly King has spoken and done will be taken away. This is the real condition of the Jews today. They have no knowledge concerning the kingdom of the heavens. It is altogether a mystery unknown to them.
We must learn the first lesson given in the constitution of the kingdom of the heavens: “Blessed are the poor in spirit” (Matt. 5:3). When we are poor in spirit, we have no pride in our heart. We are not proud of anything. Rather, we are unloaded, empty, and ready to receive something new from the Lord.