2023-10-03 周二 诸天之国的外表





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The Outward Appearance of the Kingdom of the Heavens – Matt. 12:31-32

With the appearance of the kingdom of the heavens there are three matters: the tares, the changed nature of the constituents of the kingdom; the big tree, the false façade; and the leaven, the inward corruption and rottenness. We can apply this picture to today’s Christianity. Throughout Christianity we can see tares, abnormal growth and the corruption caused by leaven. 

Praise the Lord that we have been called out of the façade and kept from the leaven! Nevertheless, we must be on the alert not to allow another kind of leaven to come in. Be careful not to take anything other than Christ. In building up the church and spreading the Lord’s testimony, the only way is to pray and to minister the pure Word. In the eyes of God, any gimmick – anything other than Christ, the Word, prayer, and the Spirit – is leaven. 

We must see the difference between the reality of the kingdom and the appearance of the kingdom. The reality is precious to God, but the appearance is abominable to him. Therefore, we must treasure the reality and reject the appearance. We care for the pure wheat flour and the little mustard herb which are good for food. This is the church’s testimony, which is food to God and man. Many of us can testify that we were hungry for years, but that once we came into the church, we were satisfied. There are no gimmicks or leaven here, but fine flour with the mustard herb. This is the Lord’s recovery, and this is the dining table without the tares, the big tree or the leaven.