2023-10-06 周五 宝贝藏在田地里(一)





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A Treasure Hidden in the Field (1) — Matt. 13:44

The treasure hidden in the field must consist of gold or precious stones, the materials for the building of the church and the New Jerusalem (1 Cor. 3:12; Rev. 21:18-20). Because the church is the practical kingdom today, and the New Jerusalem will be the kingdom in manifestation in the coming age, therefore the treasure hidden in the field signifies the kingdom hidden in God’s created world. 

The field in verse 44 is the earth, which signifies the world created by God for his kingdom (Gen. 1:26-28). In the Bible the earth signifies the world created by God, and the sea signifies the world corrupted by Satan.

The first four parables in Matthew 13 provide a clear picture of so-called Christianity. After giving forth these parables, the Lord privately spoke to his disciples the parables of the treasure hidden in the field and the pearl from the sea. If we understand the significance of the earth in the Bible, we shall know that the treasure hidden in the field must be the kingdom, and that the pearl produced out of the sea must be the church. The kingdom is truly a treasure to the Lord. How precious it is in his sight! The church is also a valuable pearl to him. The Lord is continually seeking two things – the kingdom as the treasure and the church as the pearl. Ephesians 5:27 says that Christ will present to himself a glorious church without spot, wrinkle or any such thing. This is the church as a beautiful pearl produced out of the Gentile world.