2025-02-14 周五 基督与教会奥秘的豫表(三)

经文:但与主联合的,便是与主成为一灵。(林前六17, 另译)




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A Mysterious Type of Christ and the Church (3) — 1 Cor. 6:17

A Complete Union

Together Adam and Eve made a complete unit. In the same principle, Christ and the church make a complete unit. The church is Christ’s other half. Adam and Eve became one flesh, but Christ and the church are one spirit (1 Cor. 6:17). We can say to the Lord, “Lord Jesus, without the church, You are just a half. You are not complete. Likewise, without You, we are not complete either” . Praise the Lord that when Christ and the church are joined as one, they make a complete unit!

In the church there is no place for our natural life and fallen human nature. The human life and nature are not adequate to match Christ. In order to be His counterpart, we need to be one with Christ in life and in nature. This means that Christ and the church as one unit have the same life and nature. Furthermore, Christ and the church have the same image and stature. We should not merely know this as a doctrine, but see it as a heavenly vision. We need to see why we must receive Christ as our life and partake of His divine nature and, furthermore, be transformed into His image from glory to glory. We also need to see that we must attain the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ because we are to be Christ’s counterpart.