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Pleasing God – The Childrenof Light (1) — Eph.5:8
We were once not only dark, but darkness itself. Now we are not only the children of light, but light itself. As light is God, so darkness is the Devil. We were darkness because we were one with the Devil. Now we are light because we are one with God in the Lord. In this verse Paul exhorts us to “walk as children of light.” As God is light, so we, the children of God, are also the children of light. Because we are now light in the Lord, we should walk as children of light.
After commanding us to walk as children of light, Paul inserts in verse 9 a parenthetical statement regarding the fruit of the light, saying that “the fruit of the light is in all goodness and righteousness and truth.” Paul mentions only three things: goodness, righteousness, and truth. He does not speak of holiness, kindness or humility. The reason he mentions just three things is that the fruit of the light in goodness, righteousness, and truth is related to the Triune God. Goodness refers to the nature of the fruit of light. The Lord Jesus once indicated that the only One who is good is God Himself (Matt. 19:17). Notice that here Paul speaks not of the work of the light nor of the conduct of the light, but of the fruit of the light.
Verse 9 is the definition of walking as children of light. If we walk as the children of light, we shall bear the fruit described in verse 9. The fruit we bear by walking as the children of the light must be in goodness, in righteousness and in truth. The proof that we are walking as children of light is seen in the bearing of such fruit.
Proving What Is Well-Pleasing to the Lord
Verse 10 says, “Proving what is well-pleasing to the Lord.” This phrase is related to verse 8. We should not walk foolishly or blindly or ignorantly. Rather, we should walk as children of light, proving what is well-pleasing to the Lord.