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Pleasing God – By Presenting Our Bodies (2) — Rom 12:1
A Priestly Service Which is Most Reasonable
To offer ourselves to God as a living sacrifice is our most reasonable service. The words “present” and “sacrifice” mentioned above indicate that the “reasonable service” is a priestly service. If we have a sober mind and if we intend to be reasonable, fair and logical, then we certainly must have the church life. People who do not like to have the church life are the most foolish of people. To practice anything other than the church life is foolish, but to give up everything for the church life is logical and reasonable. Nothing is more reasonable than churching. To spend two dollars on a worldly item or amusement is foolish, but to spend two million dollars on the church life is reasonable. If I had a hundred lives, I would give them all for the church life. However, I would not give even the smallest fraction of my life to the worldly things, for to do that would be stupid. What a reasonable service it is to give ourselves to the church life! Every time I think about the church life and about my ministry for the church life I am in the heavens. What a reasonable service it is!
When Paul began to speak about the church life, he implored the believers to present their bodies because as human beings nothing is more real and practical than our body. If your body is not in the church life, please do not say how much you yourself are for the church life. In the past years many people have said to me, “Brother, I stand with you. Because the burden of my business is so heavy I cannot be in the church life, but I am one with what you are doing”. Others have said, “I’m too tired to attend the meeting. You go to the meeting and I’ll stay home and pray for you. I can’t go to the meeting physically because I’m so tired, but my heart and spirit will be there with you”. These words sound pleasant but they are a deceit. We must realize that we are in our bodies. Where our bodies are, we are. Suppose that all the saints should say that they are too tired to attend the meeting. What would happen to the meeting? Thus, Paul begged the brothers to present their bodies. If you mean business for the Lord’s purpose, you need to present your body.
It is good for you to come to the meeting even if you sleep through most of it. It is better to come to a meeting and sleep than not to come at all. You may attend a meeting and sleep through it all except for the last few minutes. Perhaps during the last five minutes you will be inspired and receive a great help. I am familiar with a number of cases in which this has happened.