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The Focus of the Gospel — Phil. 1:27
Before every gospel meeting, I often see brothers and sisters working hard on preparations: preparing gospel vests, preparing advertisements, preparing gospel tracts, taking care of reception arrangements, and handling venue coordination, decoration and many other tasks. These external preparations are indeed necessary, but please remember that what we need even more is to be truly prepared in spirit before God. We must deal with the sins that hinder our fellowship with God, address the world that should be beneath our feet but still entangles us, also resolve issues that resist us in resurrection, deal with matters concerning ascension and examine our relationship with God. For example, are we living in God? What is the reality of our daily living? All these matters must be dealt with one by one.
There are priorities in everything. When arranging matters, we must see what is primary and pay proper attention to it. Secondary matters may follow accordingly. The foremost task before a gospel meeting is for every believer who shares a burden for the gospel to come before God and address their spiritual condition. We must deal with our sins before God, confront the entanglement of the world in our lives, deepen our understanding of the Lord’s resurrection, enrich our experience of His ascension and live truly in God’s presence. If we deal with these five areas thoroughly, we will immediately find ourselves connecting with God, mingling with Him, and uniting as one. At that point, we will naturally experience the outpouring and filling of the Holy Spirit. It will also naturally follow that we will take up the burden of proclaiming and testifying of the Lord Jesus Himself.
When we thoroughly learn and deal with issues such as sin, the world, resurrection, ascension and living in God’s presence, our inner being will be filled with Christ and the Holy Spirit. At this point, our invitations to others will be living, our intercessions for them will be living. Distributing gospel tracts will be living, putting up posters will be living, even singing hymns in four-part harmony will be living. Whether acting as ushers, accompanying others, engaging in conversations, leading prayers or following up by visiting those who leave their names, all of the activities will be living.
What we fear and worry about is that our brothers and sisters may have only a superficial enthusiasm for the gospel, without sufficient dealings before God regarding their sins, without clarity in dealing with the world, without living in resurrection, unable to hold their heavenly position, and without living in God. They may simply be stirred emotionally, influenced by the excitement and activity, and want to share the gospel because they see others doing it. They may invite friends because others are inviting, serve as ushers because others are doing so.
If this is our state, attitude, mood or behavior, then on the day of the gospel meeting, all our activities will be artificial. Perhaps someone will act as an usher or invite friends. While these efforts may have some merit, remember that their spiritual value is exceedingly low. The kind of person you are determines the kind of children you will raise; the type of tree you are determines the fruit you will bear. If we are shallow, frivolous and lack weight and authority before the Lord, relying only on excitement and enthusiasm to distribute tracts, invite people, accompany them, converse with them or lead them to believe in the Lord, then those who believe through us will ultimately be like us – shallow, frivolous, and of little value before God.