2025-01-07 周二 福音的举动






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The Action of the Gospel – Acts 2:4

This is the normal state for anyone who wishes to preach the gospel. The gospel flows outward from within us; it is the outpouring of Christ, whom we bear as a burden within. The gospel is not about external stimulation or fervor. It is not driven by the urgency of seeing thousands saved or the dread of souls being bound in sin. Such concerns, while significant, are not the focus of our gospel work. Our gospel comes from being filled with Christ and then releasing Him outward. We have experienced the forgiveness of sins through Him and have been severed from the world because of Him. We have encountered His resurrection life and have come to know Him as the ascended Savior. Beyond that, through such experiences, we live in God’s presence and abide in Him. When we reach this point, everything in the Holy Spirit comes upon us and overflows through us. What fills us – our thoughts, our perspectives, our emotions and our entire being – is entirely Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Thus, mere excitement or zeal is ineffective. Instead, each brother and sister must address these five aspects before God and pursue Him earnestly. This pursuit should lead to a point where they can stand in the universe and declare: “I know my sins are forgiven before God, and I am a saved person. Sin has been dealt with in my life. I can stand here and say that worldly things have no place in me; the entanglements of the world have no hold on me. I have trampled earthly things underfoot and left the world behind forever. I can testify that the One I believe in is not only a Savior who died but also a risen Christ. I live in Him, and He lives in me. I understand what resurrection life is and know the power of His resurrection. I have also experienced His ascension; just as He is in heaven, I too am in heaven. My heart is entirely heavenly. There is no separation between me and God. I live in His presence and abide in Him. My practical life is one of prayer, a life in the light of His countenance”. When we reach this state, we are ready to share the gospel. Some may say that to have the power of the gospel, we need the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I assure you that when you arrive at this point, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit will certainly come. No additional conditions are required.

We are not seeking grand, expanded gospel campaigns. Instead, we hope that many brothers and sisters will come before God, deal with these matters, and pursue Him until they reach the state of the 120 disciples at Pentecost. Their sins were forgiven; the world had no place in them. They were people in resurrection and ascension, living in God’s presence and abiding in Him. They received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and were fully united with God. When they stood before men, they became a living testimony of the gospel. When they spoke about sin, it was not merely a doctrine. When they preached the cross and its power to redeem sin, it was not a void theory. When they addressed the world, it was not just moral teaching. When they spoke of forsaking the world, it was not mere exhortation. Simply by standing there, they were a testimony. Thus, the action of the gospel is not driven by outward effort but by the inner fullness of Christ and the Holy Spirit, overflowing into every aspect of life.