2025-01-06 周一 圣灵充满的条件







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Condition for Being Filled with the Holy Spirit — Eph. 5:18

In a nutshell, the 120 disciples in Acts possessed five key characteristics: first, their sins were forgiven; second, they were separated from the world; third, they truly lived in resurrection; forth; their hearts were set in heaven; they were people whose lives were heavenly; fifth, their practical lives were rooted in prayer, living in God’s presence and entering into God.

Anyone who reaches this state will undoubtedly be filled with the Holy Spirit. Many Christians earnestly seek the filling of the Holy Spirit. Yet, anyone who attains this condition will certainly experience the outpouring of the Spirit. No matter who they are, once they reach this point, they will unquestionably be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Before the Lord, a person can, through the Lord’s blood, experience forgiveness of sins. At the same time, in the Lord and through His resurrection, they are truly separated from the world – detached from it, so that the world holds no place in them. They are weaned from the world. Furthermore, they understand what it means to live in resurrection, knowing that the One they believe in is not merely a Savior who was incarnated, lived a human life, and died for redemption. He is also the Christ who rose from the dead, became the Spirit, and entered into them as the resurrected Christ. Moreover, they know what it means to ascend with Christ. They realize that the life they have received is a heavenly life. They sense that, together with the Lord they believe in, they have been raised to the heavens. Outwardly, they may still live on earth, but inwardly – in their life and heart – they are entirely heavenly people. Additionally, their practical lives on earth are immersed in prayer. They live continually before God, entering into God and dwelling entirely in His presence. If this is true of a person, they should trust that the Holy Spirit has come upon them, filled them and poured Himself out on them. Whether they feel it or not, this remains a fact.

I cannot describe to you the sensation of being filled with the Holy Spirit, nor do I wish to encourage you to seek such feelings. However, I can clearly tell you this: if the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will not lack a sense of it. Nevertheless, do not be overly concerned with this feeling. Instead, believe that if you have the above five experiences and lifestyle, the Holy Spirit will surely come upon you. Whether you call it “filling” or “outpouring”, it is the Holy Spirit filling you to the point of overflowing. You might describe the outward manifestation as akin to being drunk or winning a great prize – however you wish to describe it. But remember, when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, it will manifest in a way that fills you with power and burden. You will feel compelled to pour out what is inside you. This is where the gospel resides, and this is the source of the gospel’s power.

It is at this point that we receive a burden, and this burden is the Lord Jesus Himself. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, this Spirit is the Lord Jesus. What fills us, what we sense within, what comprises everything we have within us – all of it is the Lord Jesus. We are filled with Him to such a degree that it feels like being drunk – not with wine, but with Christ Himself, full of life, and brimming over with the Holy Spirit. It is an overflow that cannot be contained.