2025-01-04 周六 福音的能力与生活










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The Power and Life of the Gospel – Acts 1:14

The Power of the Gospel: Living in the Resurrected and Ascended Christ

At that time, though these Galileans were physically in an upper room in Jerusalem, they felt as though they had ascended to heaven with the Lord Jesus.

When we deeply love someone and think about them often, we may feel as though we are where they are. For example, someone who has moved to America but misses home might feel as if they are still back home. The disciples had followed the Lord Jesus for three and a half years. Their bond with Him was so profound that it was almost impossible to separate. They had witnessed Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection, and ascension with their own eyes. The living Lord had been with them and had ascended before their very eyes. Imagine how they could have remained attached to earthly things after such an experience! Their hearts were wholly directed toward heaven. While they were physically on earth, their hearts had fully ascended to heaven. From their perspective, they were truly heavenly people. 

We need to recognize here that their sins had been forgiven, they had been freed from the world, and they were people living in resurrection. Their hearts were in heaven. They were heavenly citizens, living in a heavenly realm.

The Life of the Gospel: Prayer, Living in God’s Presence

Moreover, we see that the life they lived was a life of prayer. A life of prayer is a life lived before God, in God and in His light. Prayer is not merely asking God for things as many people might think. On a surface level, prayer is coming before God; on a deeper level, it is entering into God and living in His presence.

Most Christians have some understanding of prayer. In the beginning stages of prayer, you may feel that you are coming before God. But as you deepen in prayer, touching the reality of the Lord, you begin to feel as though you have entered into God Himself. Daily, whether in the morning or at another time, as you quiet yourself in prayer, you might initially sense that you are approaching God. But as your prayer continues and deepens, you find yourself truly entering into God and touching His heart.

During those ten days, the disciples were in the upper room in Jerusalem, praying together with one accord steadfastly. The original meaning of “steadfast” is to continue without ceasing. Their life during those ten days was a life of unceasing prayer. This life of prayer was one in which they came before God, even entered into God and lived in His presence. For those ten days, their lives were not only heavenly but also deeply rooted in God. At the very least, they were living in the light of His presence. Only such a life can receive the commission of the gospel and generate the power of the gospel.