2024-09-21 周六 称义并和好,有神的爱浇灌

经文:所以,我们既本于信得称义,就借着我们的主耶稣基督,对神有了和平……因为我们作仇敌的时候,且借着神儿子的死得与神和好……(罗五1, 10,另译)






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Justification and Reconciled, with God’s Love Poured Out – Rom. 5:1, 10

Justification and Reconciled

Originally, we were not only sinners, but also enemies of God. Through the redeeming death of Christ, God has justified us, the sinners, and has reconciled us, His enemies, to Himself. This transpired when we believed in the Lord Jesus. We have received God’s justification and reconciliation by faith. This has opened the way and ushered us into the realm of grace for the enjoyment of God.

With God’s Love Poured Out

In the realm of grace the first thing we enjoy is the love of God. “The love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us” (Rom 5:5). Many times in our Christian life we need encouragement and confirmation. As we pass through periods of suffering, we may have questions and doubts. Perhaps you say, “Why are there so many troubles in my Christian life? Why are there so many trials and tests?” We may have such questions and doubts about our circumstances. Although these doubts arise, we cannot deny that the love of God is within us. From the day we first called on the Lord Jesus, the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. When you enter the gate of eternity, you will say, “Praise the Lord for the sufferings and tests which fell upon me on my journey. God used them to transform me.”

Oh, the love of God has been poured into our hearts! Although we may be afflicted, poor, and depressed, we cannot deny the presence of God’s love within us. Can we deny that Christ died for us? Christ died for ungodly sinners such as we. Once we were enemies, but Christ shed His blood on the cross to reconcile us to God. What love is this! If God has given us His own Son, surely He will not do anything to hurt us. God is sovereign. He knows what is best for us. The choice is His, not ours. Regardless of our preference, what God has planned for us will be our portion. Everything related to us has been prepared by our Father. We should simply pray, “Lord, have your way. I simply want what You want. I leave everything entirely in Your hands.”