2024-09-20 周五 长成主的圣殿,成为神的居所











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Growing into a Holy Temple &

Being Built into a Dwelling Place of God – Eph. 2:21-22

Growing of the Body Being the Building of the House

As the Body of Christ, the church has been regenerated, and as the house of God, the church is being built. Apparently, growth and building are separate things. Actually, the building of the house is the growth of the Body.

Growing into Holy Temple

Verse 21 says, “In Whom all the building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord.” Here we see that in Christ, who is the cornerstone, all the building, including both Jewish and Gentile believers, is fitted together and is growing into a holy temple.

Since the building is a living one (1 Pet. 2:5), it is growing. It grows into a holy temple. The actual building of the church as the house of God is by the growth in life of the believers. Today the church is growing. However, it is not growing in our natural life, but in the divine life, the spiritual life.

As verse 21 points out, all the building is growing into a holy temple. The Greek word rendered “temple” means the sanctuary, the inner part of the whole temple. It is in the Lord that the building is growing into a holy temple. This means that the entire building of God’s house as His sanctuary is in Christ the Lord.

At this point I would like to ask you a question: Has the temple of God in the universe been completed? The fact that the temple is still growing indicates that, from our point of view at least, the temple of God is not complete. Verse 21 does not say that all the building has grown into a holy temple; it says that all the building is growing into a holy temple.

Built into a Dwelling Place of God

Verse 22 says, “In Whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in spirit.” The word “you” here, which refers to the local saints. In this verse Paul was saying that the local saints, the saints in Ephesus, were being built together in Christ into a dwelling place of God.