2024-09-18 周三 圣徒同国之民、神家里的亲人









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Fellow-Citizens of the Saints; Members of the Household of God — Eph. 2:19

No Longer Strangers and Sojourners 

Now we come to verse 19: “So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow-citizens of the saints and members of the household of God.” This verse covers two aspects of the church: the kingdom, indicated by the term “fellow-citizens,” and the family of God, indicated by the phrase “the household of God.”

Verse 19 says that we, the Gentiles, are no longer strangers and sojourners. The word “you” in this verse refers to the Gentile believers. Strangers are aliens, and sojourners are foreigners sojourning among the Israelites without the right of citizenship. Both refer to the Gentiles.

Fellow-Citizens of the Saints

Now that we are no longer strangers and sojourners, we are fellow-citizens of the saints. The term “fellow-citizens” indicates the kingdom of God. All the believers, both Jewish and Gentile, are citizens of God’s kingdom, which is a sphere wherein God exercises His authority. As long as anyone is a believer, he is a citizen of the kingdom of God. This citizenship involves rights and responsibilities. We enjoy the rights of the kingdom, and we bear the responsibilities of the kingdom. These two things always go together. For example, as citizens of the United States, we enjoy certain rights, but we must also fulfill our responsibility to pay taxes.

Members of the Household of God

Verse 19 reveals that we are also “members of the household of God.” This phrase indicates the house of God. Both the Jewish and Gentile believers are members of God’s house. God’s house is a matter of life and enjoyment; all believers were born of God into His house to enjoy His riches. God’s kingdom is a matter of rights and responsibility; all believers who were born into the house of God have the civil rights of and bear responsibility in the kingdom of God. In such a short verse two profound matters are covered: the kingdom of God with its rights and responsibilities and the house of God with its enjoyment of the Father’s life and riches.