2024-09-17 周二 进到父面前












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Unto the Father — Eph. 2:18

Christ’s Cross and His Blood Being the Access

The preaching of the gospel is merely the objective fact; it is not the experience. Hence, after receiving this preaching, we need the experience, which is the access to the Father in the one Spirit. This access is constituted of Christ’s cross and His blood.

Through Christ

Both Jewish and Gentile believers have access to the Father through Christ – the very Christ who abolished the law of the commandments in ordinances, broke down the middle wall of partition, slew the enmity to reconcile the Gentiles to the Jews, and shed His blood for redeeming both to God.

In One Spirit

As verse 18 points out, our access unto the Father is in the one Spirit. If we have the cross without the Spirit, we have the fact without the experience. Hence, the Spirit is crucial. Firstly, both the Jewish and Gentile believers were reconciled in one Body to God (v. 16). That was a positional matter. Then we both have access in one Spirit unto the Father. This is experiential.

Unto the Father

This access in one Spirit is unto the Father. Positionally we were reconciled to God; experientially we have access unto the Father. To be reconciled to God is to be saved; to have access unto the Father is to enjoy God, who, as the source of life, has regenerated us to be His sons.

In the one Body we have been reconciled to God through the cross. This is a fact. Now we may have access unto the Father and contact Him directly. This is an experience. We have been reconciled to God positionally for salvation, and we have access unto the Father experientially for enjoyment. It is significant that these verses do not say that we are reconciled to the Father and have access to God. No, having been reconciled to God once for all, we now have access to the Father for continual enjoyment.

In verse 18 the Trinity of the Godhead is implied. Through God the Son who is the Accomplisher, the means, and in God the Spirit who is the Executor, the application, we have access to God the Father who is the Originator, the source of our enjoyment.