2024-09-03 周二 守逾越节与吃应许之地的出产






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Title Keeping the Passover and Eating of the Produce of the Promised Land — Jos. 5:10-12

The Keep of the Passover 

Joshua 5:10 says that the children of Israel camped in Gilgal, and they kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the month in the evening on the plains of Jericho. The children of Israel were to keep the Passover to remember Jehovah’s redemption of Israel from the death judgment on their firstborn sons. The keeping of the Passover was also to remember Jehovah’s salvation of Israel from the power of Pharaoh and Egypt. It indicated that just as Jehovah had saved Israel from Pharaoh and Egypt so would He destroy the tribes of Canaan and deliver Israel from them. Thus the keeping of the Passover encouraged the children of Israel and gave them the assurance that Jehovah would displace the evil Canaanites. Israel’s keeping of the Passover typifies the believers’ keeping of the Lord’s table to remember the Lord’s redemption and salvation (Matt. 26:26-28). The Lord Jesus established His table with the bread and the cup to replace the Feast of the Passover. He has fulfilled the type, and now He is the real Passover to us (1 Cor. 5:7)

The Eating of the Product of the Promised Land 

Joshua 5:11-12 speaks of Israel’s eating of the produce of the promised land. Manna was the food from heaven in Israel’s wandering in the wilderness. The manna typifies Christ as the unconsummated heavenly food to God’s chosen people, not requiring the eaters to labor on it. The produce of the promised land was the God-given food in their fighting in Canaan. This produce typifies Christ as the consummated God-given food to the believers, requiring them to labor on Him.