2024-08-24 周六 预备喇合






请享受生命诗歌副B-44首 (点击诗歌名)

Preparing Rahab the Harlot – Jos. 2:8

God’s eternal economy consists mainly of two things – Christ and His counterpart for the enlargement, the increase and the spreading of Christ. This counterpart of Christ will ultimately consummate in the New Jerusalem as the full expression of the Triune God for eternity. The intrinsic significance of the book of Joshua is the taking of the land, which typifies our gaining of Christ, plus the gaining of the proper persons to bring forth Christ that Christ might be spread and increased. Chapter one of Joshua is concerned with the gaining of Christ, and chapter two, with the spreading of Christ, with the bringing forth of Christ to others. God provided Joshua for the gaining of the land. However, there was the need of a Gentile woman for the spreading of Christ, and for this God provided Rahab the harlot.

Rahab believed in the God of Israel. She told the spies that she knew that Jehovah had given the land to the people of Israel and that all the inhabitants of the land melted before them. Then Rahab declared, “Jehovah your God, He is God in heaven above and upon earth beneath”. 

Rahab turned to Israel and their God, and she trusted in Him and His people. She asked the spies to deal kindly with her father’s house and to give her some token of trust that they would preserve her father, mother, brothers, and sisters and deliver their lives from death. Rahab was willing to receive the spies, hide them and deliver them by her acts out of her faith. Her receiving, hiding and delivering the spies were acts of faith. This indicates that her faith was active.

The spies told Rahab to hang a line of scarlet thread in the window of her house. According to their words, “she tied the scarlet line in the window”. The scarlet thread tied in the window of Rahab’s house was hung out in the open; it was there for everyone to see. Thus, the scarlet thread tied to the window typifies an open confession of the redeeming blood of Christ. Rahab made such an open confession and believed that by this sign she and her household would be delivered. This sign for Rahab and her household to be saved indicates God’s household salvation to the Gentile sinners. We praise the Lord for His marvelous household salvation. Acts 16:30 and 31 reveal that whereas the Lord’s salvation is for the individual believer, the unit of His salvation is the household. This is also illustrated by the cases of the whole house of Noah and of the houses of Israel. The case of the whole house of Rahab confirms that the family, the household, is the unit of God’s salvation. In the New Testament the principle of household salvation is illustrated by the cases of the house of Zacchaeus, the house of Cornelius, the house of Lydia and the house of the Philippian jailer.

Rahab was a condemned Canaanite qualified to be destroyed, but she became one of the main ancestors of Christ, associated with Christ in His incarnation for the fulfillment of God’s eternal economy, by turning to God and His people and by being married to Salmon, the son of a leader of Judah, a leading tribe of Israel, and probably one of the two spies.