2024-08-23 周五 约书亚记的背景






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The Background of Book of Joshua – Jos. 1:1-2

The Bible presents a full picture of God’s economy from His creation of the universe to the consummation of the New Jerusalem. The first two chapters of the Bible are on God’s creation with man, created in God’s image and according to His likeness, as the center. In the last two chapters we have the new heaven and new earth with the New Jerusalem, the corporate expression and manifestation of the Triune God mingled with His redeemed people for eternity. Many things occur between these two ends, but all are linked to God’s economy – mainly concerning Christ and His counterpart, the church. 

According to the record in the Old Testament, God’s move, which began in Genesis 1, continued through Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. In chapter one of Joshua, God’s move had reached a certain situation. At that time the entire earth was full of idols and demons. In a sense, God had been chased away from the earth, which He had created for Himself, and did not have a way to be the Lord of the earth as well as of the heavens. However, among all the nations and peoples, God had separated Israel, His elect, for the carrying out of His economy. They had nothing to do with any idols or demons. On the contrary, they were occupied with the God of the heavens and the earth. After being formed, constituted, disciplined, trained and qualified, God’s people had come to the plains of Moab where they were waiting to enter into the good land, to take it and to possess it.

One day, as the people were ready and waiting for God’s instruction, God came in to call Joshua and to tell him to take the lead so that he and the children of Israel could enter into the good land and possess it. Joshua took the word from Jehovah and charged the children of Israel to perform God’s commission. The land-takers had to prepare themselves to move with God in His move. In order to take the good land, they had to enter into a full coordination with God in His move. 

God needed His elect people to cooperate with Him in His move to carry out His economy, in His desire to move in His economy as the great wheel. 

This is the principle of incarnation. In particular, this is the principle of incarnation for the destruction of the satanic power in its usurpation of the earth. This means that in order for God to regain the earth from the usurping hand of the enemy, we need to be in full cooperation and coordination with Him in the principle of incarnation. We need to be one with God in His heart’s desire and in His move on earth.