2024-08-14 周三 生命的泉源(源头)






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The Fountain of Life — Psa. 36:8-9

The Gospel of John reveals God as the fountain (source) of life. God our Father is the source, and the source appears as a fountain, and the fountain gushes out into rivers. At the foot of the mountains of Libya there were springs and fountains from which a river gushed out, that was the Jordan. This is a wonderful picture of our God.

God flows out and dispenses Himself with His divine life as the life element, that is, the life supply (Christ as the tree of life), to meet the needs of His elect and to be their joy and satisfaction (Rev. 22:1 -2, cf. Psa. 36:8-9). For this purpose, when Christ died on the cross, not only blood (signifying judicial redemption) was poured out, but also water (signifying the water of life organically dispensed into God’s chosen people) was poured out (John 19:34) . We are the Lord’s chosen people. Praise Him! He has chosen us and then calls us to receive Him as the flowing God to be the source, with Christ as the element in the flow. How joyful and satisfying!

Psalm 36:8-9 says, “They drink their fill of the abundance of Your house; and You give them to drink of the river of Your delights [literally, river of joy]. For in you is the fountain of life [literally, source of life]; in your light we see light. ” From these two verses, I extracted two words: “satisfaction” and “joy.” A saved person should be satisfied with Christ and filled with the joy of God. God is the source of life, filling people with divine joy. This is the way to read the Bible, which enables us to obtain the inner and central thread of life. “Fountain”, “joy” and “satisfaction” are all found in Psalm 36. Without these three words, this psalm would be just dead words, vanity of vanity. But in this psalm, we can see that God is the source, flowing like a river, satisfying us and filling us with His joy.

When Christ died on the cross, blood and water flowed from Him (John 19:34). The other Books of Gospel do not record this fact. The Gospel of John, like the Book of Revelation, is a book of symbols. Blood and water are symbols. The blood signifies redemption on the judicial side, and the water signifies the flow of life on the organic side, which is dispensed into God’s chosen people.