2024-08-10 周六 进入美地的阻碍








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Hindrance to Entry into the Good Land 1 Cor. 10:5-8

Lessons from the Israelites’ History

In 1 Corinthians chapter 10, Paul told us that most of Israel were people whom God did not like, and they died in the wilderness. Paul explained the reasons why they displeased God: first, because they coveted evil things; second, they worshiped idols, sitting down to eat and drink, rising up to play, and replacing true worship with worldly entertainment. They tested God many times and complained against Him. In the end, the Israelites lost the blessing of entering the good land because of these negative things. The apostle Paul clearly told us these things that happened to them. All these things are examples and written in the Bible to warn those who live in the end of the ages, not to make the same mistakes as the Israelites.

Hindrance to Entry into the Good Land

God’s goal in calling the Israelites was to have them enter the promised land, enjoy the riches of that land, establish the kingdom of God and become God’s manifestation on earth. But due to their evil deeds: rebellion, sinful and unbelieving heart, murmuring and union with the world, almost all the Israelites died in the wilderness, unable to fulfill their goal. This means that even though we have been redeemed through Christ, freed from the control of Satan and brought into the revelation of God’s economy, we may still be unable to reach God’s calling. We need to pray to the Lord more, asking Him to remove all the factors within us that hinder our enjoyment of Christ, so that we may have a richer and fuller enjoyment of the Lord.

Entering and Possessing Christ as Our Good Land

Although most of the Israelites failed and displeased God, they died in the wilderness and were unable to enter the good land. But God never fails. He still prepared the second generation of the Israelites to enter the good land and take possession of it. We often experience temptations all around us in our daily life. Just as the hymn says, “Satan, the world and the flesh are always tempting and bullying ” If we live in the old man, we will be like the first generation of Israelites, deceived easily by sin and stumbled. But when we turn to the spirit and mingle with the Lord’s word through faith, we can practically experience the entering and possessing Christ as our good land.