2024-08-05 周一 约书亚记介言













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An Introductory Word in the Book of Joshua — Jos. 1:1-2

The Writer, the time and the Location

The writer of the book of Joshua was Joshua (1:1), whose name means “Jehovah Savior,” or “the salvation of Jehovah” 

The time of the writing of this book was 1451-1426 B.C.

The place of the writing of the book of Joshua was the plains of Moab.

Joshua is the first book of the twelve books of history from Joshua to Esther. The Bible begins with the five books of the law, the books of Moses, and then, starting with Joshua, the Bible continues with the twelve books of history.

The Content

The content of the book of Joshua is that Joshua led the children of Israel to enter the promised land and to take it, possess it, allot it, and enjoy it. The sequence here is quite significant. First, the children of Israel entered the promised land, and then they possessed it and occupied it. Following this, the land was allotted, apportioned, to each tribe in a particular way. Then they enjoyed the land.

The Central Thought

The central thought of the book of Joshua is that God intended to fulfill the promise concerning the good land that Israel might have a place to carry out God’s economy, especially to keep the line of bringing in Christ to the earth through His incarnation in humanity. This book is quite wonderful in this main purpose of Israel’s occupying and possessing the good land for the carrying out of God’s economy.

The Sections

The book of Joshua has four sections: entering into the good land (chs. 1-5), taking possession of the good land (chs. 6-12), allotting the good land (chs. 13-22) and Joshua’s departure (chs. 23-24).