2024-08-02 周五 背道子民的回转(一)






  1. 以色列回来并归向医治缠裹他们的耶和华:六章一节说到以色列回来并归向耶和华。先知说,“来罢,我们归向耶和华;祂撕裂了我们,却必医治;打伤了我们,却必缠裹。”
  2. 过两天耶和华必使他们苏醒:六章二节说,“过两天祂必使我们苏醒;第三天祂必使我们兴起,我们就在祂面前活着。”这里的“两天”和“三天”是甚么意思?圣经中有个原则,就是“在主一日如千年。”(彼后三8)。按照这原则,这里的“两天”或许表征从主后七十年算起,耶路撒冷被毁后的头两个一千年。主后七十年,罗马太子提多毁坏耶路撒冷和圣殿,残杀无数的犹太人,使犹太人分散到列国中。从那时起,犹太人没有君王,没有首领,没有祭祀,没有殿,正应验了何西阿三章四节的豫言。二千年之久,神使犹太人留在死亡的光景中。过了这二千年,第三个一千年就要来到。何西阿六章二节的“第三天”,可能指第三个一千年,就是在基督复活之实际里的千年国,也就是复兴的时代(启二十4,6)。
  3. 关于认识耶和华,以及关于基督的出现如黎明,来临像甘雨的话:六章三节的上半说,“所以我们当认识耶和华,追求认识祂。”这节的下半说,基督的出现确定如黎明,祂必临到我们像甘雨,像滋润田地的春雨(在千年国复兴的时候-太十九28,启二十4,6)。

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The Return of Apostate People (1) — Hos. 6:1-2

In 5:15 – 6:3, 11 the prophet Hosea speaks regarding the return of the apostate people. We may wonder how it can be possible for such a sinful people to return. They can return because they are under God’s compassion.According to 5:15a Jehovah will go away and return to His place, until the apostate people acknowledge their offense and seek His face. Eventually, in their affliction (the divine chastisement) they will seek Him earnestly. Thus, the divine chastisement of Israel will be effective.

The Return of the Apostate People

  1.  In 6:1 we have a word concerning Israel’s coming and returning to Jehovah. In this verse the prophet says, “Come and let us return to Jehovah, / For He has torn us, but He will heal us, / And He has stricken us, but He will bind us up.”

  2.  Hosea 6:2 says, “He will enliven us after two days; / On the third day He will raise us up, / And we will live in His presence.” What are the “two days,” and what is “the third day” in this verse? In the Bible there is a principle that “with the Lord one day is like a thousand years” (2 Pet. 3:8). According to this principle, the two days here might signify the first two periods of a thousand years each, counting from A.D. 70, when the Roman prince Titus destroyed Jerusalem and the temple, cruelly killed thousands of Jews, and scattered the Jews among the nations. From that time the Jews have been without king, without prince, without sacrifice and without the temple, fulfilling Hosea’s prophecy in 3:4. For two thousand years God has left Israel in a dead condition. After this two-thousand-year period, the third thousand years will come. The third day in Hos. 6:2 might signify the third period of a thousand years, that is, the millennium, the age of restoration, in the reality of Christ’s resurrection (Rev. 20:4, 6).

  3.  In Hosea 6:3 there is a word concerning knowing Jehovah and concerning Christ’s going forth as the dawn and His coming as the rain. The first part of the verse says, “Therefore let us know, let us pursue knowing Jehovah.” The remainder of the verse says that Christ’s going forth is as sure as the dawn. He will come to us as the rain, as the latter rain which waters the earth (in the restoration of the millennium – Matt. 19:28; Rev. 20:4, 6).