2024-08-01 周四 淫乱妻子的象征










  1. 淫乱和酒,并新酒,夺去他们的心:他们无心为着别的事。
  2. 神的民求问木柱:神的民不向神祷告求问神,却求问木柱(偶像),以为木杖会将事情告知他们;因为他们的淫心使他们失迷,他们就往来如同淫妇,离弃了他们的神(何四12)。
  3. 在各山顶献祭,在高冈上烧香:他们在各山顶献祭,在高冈的橡树、杨树、栗树之下烧香,因为树荫美好。所以他们的女儿往来如同淫妇,他们的新妇犯了奸淫。神不惩罚他们的女儿和他们的新妇,因为他们自己离群与淫妇同居,与妓女一同献祭(何四14上,参申二三17)。

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The Symbol of a Wife of Harlotries — Hos. 2:2

Hosea 2: 2a says, “Contend with your mother; contend.” This indicates that Jehovah wanted the returned Israelites (the daughters) to contend with the adulterous people of Israel (the mother).

Jehovah Denying That Israel Is the Wife and That He Is Her Husband

In Hosea 2:2b Jehovah says, “She is not my wife, / And I am not her husband.” This implies a kind of divorce. The situation forced God to do something abnormal. However, God’s divorcing Israel was based upon His strong determination to receive her back again. In a sense, God divorced Israel, but He did this with the intention of receiving her back again. What God does concerning Israel is based upon what He is.

Jehovah Waring Israel

In Hosea 2:2c through 4 we have Jehovah’s warning to Israel. First He charged her to turn away her harlotries from her face, and her adulteries from between her breasts. If she failed to do this, He would strip her naked as in the day she was born and make her a wilderness and a dry land and slay her with thirst. Moreover, on her children He would not have compassion, for they were the children of harlotries.

The Sins of Israel – Fornication, Wind and Harlotries

Hosea 4:11-14 is a word concerning three things that were prevailing among the Israelites – fornication, wine and harlotries.

1. Fornication, wine, and new wine took away the heart of the people of Israel. They did not have a heart for anything else.

2. Instead of praying to God and inquiring of Him, God’s people inquired at their wooden post (idol), considering that their rod informed them of things. A spirit of harlotries made them err, and they had gone about as harlots away from their God (Hos. 4:12).

3. Upon the tops of the mountains they offered sacrifices, and upon the hills they burned incense, under oak, poplar and terebinth, because its shade was good. Therefore, their daughters went about as harlots, and their brides committed adultery. But God would not punish their daughters or their brides, for the men themselves went off with harlots and offered sacrifices with the cult prostitutes (Hos. 4:4a; cf. Deut. 23:17).