2024-07-29 周一 何西阿书介言














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The Introductory Word of the Book of Hosea — Hos. 1:1

The Meaning of the Name Hosea

In Hebrew Hosea, the original name of Joshua, means “salvation (of Jehovah),” denoting that Jehovah is the salvation (Num. 13:8, 16).

The Time, the Object and the Place of Hosea’s Ministry

The time of Hosea’s ministry was 785-725 B.C., a period of sixty years.

The object of Hosea’s ministry was the adulterous and apostate kingdom of Israel. Adulterous refers to Israel’s condition, and apostate refers to Israel’s position. As to their condition they were adulterous; as to their position they were apostate. That was the situation of Israel as God’s wife.

The place of Hosea’s ministry was the northern kingdom of Israel. By the time of Hosea’s ministry, Israel had been divided into two kingdoms: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. 

The Subject of the Book of Hosea

The subject of the book of Hosea is Jehovah as the salvation to the adulterous and apostate Israel in receiving her back and restoring her. This book reveals that in spite of Israel’s adulterous condition and apostate position, Jehovah is willing to be salvation to her. Eventually, He will receive her back and restore her.

The Central Thought in the Book of Hosea

The central thought of this book is that regardless of how adulterous Israel is as the wife to Jehovah and how apostate Israel is as the people to Him, He still desires that she would return to Him. If she would return to Him, He would still receive her, bring her back, and restore her.

The Sections in the Book Of Hosea

The book of Hosea has three sections: a wife of harlotries (chs. 1-3); a people of apostasy (chs. 4-13); and the restoration of Israel (ch. 14).