2024-07-20 周六 奉献(二)






旧约献燔祭的结果,乃是叫燔祭在人面前成为灰,在神面前成为馨香。今天我们把自己当作活的燔祭献给主,若我们真是忠诚向主,结果也必是在人面前成为灰一般,而得以在神面前成为祂心悦的馨香(利一 9)。




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Consecration – 2 Cor. 5:14-15

The Result Of Consecration

The first result of our consecration to the Lord is that practically we become slaves bought by the Lord, submitting to His authority in all things. (1 Cor. 7:22-23)

Another result of our consecration to the Lord is that the Lord has our consent to freely mold us (Eph. 2:10), just as the clay vessel is molded in the hands of the potter (cf. Isa. 64:8).

When we present ourselves and our members to the Lord, there is still another result; that is, our members become weapons of and slaves to righteousness that we may be freed from sin, no longer being lorded over by sin, unto sanctification. (Rom. 6:13-14, 19)

The result of offering a burnt sacrifice in the Old Testament was that the burnt offering became ashes before men and a sweet savor to God. If we present ourselves as a living burnt offering to the Lord, and if we are truly faithful to Him, we will be like ashes before men and a delightful savor to God. (Lev. 1:9)

The consummate purpose of our consecration to the Lord is to glorify God, that is, to allow God to be lived out from us and expressed through us as a manifestation of His glory. (1 Cor. 6:20) (Life Lessons, lsn. 18)

The Fire On The Altar Shall Be Kept Burning

It is not possible to hit the climax of any experience of life by experiencing it just once. We need to pursue continuously, so that our experience will increase gradually and become fuller, until it reaches the stage of maturity.

When we first consecrate ourselves, our experience is similar to an embryo in the mother’s womb—one cannot distinguish the ear, the eye, the mouth, and the nose. As we grow in life, however, these five points related to the experience of consecration gradually become formed in us. Then we really have a feeling that we have been bought by God and that all our rights are in His hand. We become a prisoner of His love because His love has pierced our hearts. We become a sacrifice indeed, laid on the altar for God’s enjoyment and satisfaction. We will be those who have been thoroughly worked over by God and are then able to work for Him. Our future will truly be as a handful of ashes. All our ways of escape outside of God’s will shall have been cut off; God only will be our future and our way. At that time the experience of our consecration will indeed have become matured. May we all, by the grace of the Lord, pursue and go on together.