2024-06-24 周一 变化的过程








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The Process of Transformation – 2 Cor. 3:18

Daily Transformation

Daily and even hourly, apostles were also in the process of being transformed into the same image, the image of the glorified Christ. This transformation did not happen once for all; it was a gradual matter. The apostles were transformed from one degree of glory to another. They were transformed from glory to glory, as from the Lord Spirit. The word is rendered “even as” in 2 Cor. 3:18 to mean “that is.” Hence, the apostles were being transformed from glory to glory, that is, from the Lord Spirit. They were being transformed into the image of the Lord from the Lord Spirit. 

According to the book of 2 Corinthians, the pattern of living Christ for the church includes the aspect of daily transformation. Anyone who lives Christ for the church must be one who is daily being transformed. If we are not in the process of transformation, then something is wrong with us in our Christian life. Day by day we need to be transformed.

A Metabolic Process

In the process of metabolism a new element is supplied to an organism. This new element replaces the old element and causes it to be discharged. Therefore, as the process of metabolism takes place within a living organism, something new is created within it to replace the old element, which is carried away. Metabolism, therefore, includes three matters: first, the supplying of a new element; second, the replacing of the old element with this new element; and third, the discharge or the removal of the old element so that something new may be produced.

The digestion and assimilation of the food we eat involves metabolism. First, we take the food into our stomach. Then the food is digested metabolically to supply our being so that new elements may be added to replace the old and that new cells may be brought into being. Through this process of metabolism we grow and are strengthened. Also through proper metabolism we may be healed of certain illnesses. Constantly a healing is taking place in our physical bodies through the process of metabolism. This healing is not caused by medicine given by a physician; it is the healing that is caused by the proper functioning of the body itself. Daily by the process of metabolism we can experience healing. I wish to emphasize the fact that transformation is a metabolic process, a metabolic change. We may define transformation as spiritual metabolism.