2024-06-14 周五 诗的应用—方向










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To Whom Hymns Are Sung – Rev. 14:3

Singing to God

Singing to God is the most important part of the hymns. The goal of the hymn singing is toward God. Most of the Psalms are sung to God, for instance, Psalm 51 is a famous hymn which is a prayer to God. All hymns of praise, thanksgiving and prayer are sung to God.

Singing to Man

There is another type of  hymns in Psalms, which is toward man. This type of hymns is either for preaching the gospel or encouraging man to come to God. All gospel and exhortation hymns are sung to man. Col. 3:16 says “…teaching and admonishing one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” This verse indicates that hymns can be used for teaching and admonition, which are for man. Meanwhile, our hearts are also filled with thankfulness toward God. Therefore, hymns that are directed toward man are also directed toward God. In the church, there should not be too many hymns directed toward man. Even in Psalms, hymns of this type account for only a minority. It is fine to have hymns toward man. But if there are too many hymns like this, it will lose the main meaning of hymn singing. Hymn singing is mainly toward God.

Singing to Oneself

In the Bible, there is a third type of hymns, which are hymns sung to oneself. In the Psalms, there are many verses where it is said, “O my heart! ” (or translated as “O my soul!”) These hymns are all sung to oneself. This type of hymns is about fellowshipping with my soul or talking to myself. For those who know God, they know what it means to fellowship with his own heart. When a person fellowships with God, he will naturally learn how to fellowship with his heart. Such hymns often lead us to God close to the end, and the fellowshipping between man and his own heart always turns into fellowshipping with God.


Hymns regarding salvation, communication with God, and praise and thanksgiving are sung to God. When the church assembles, we should select hymns that speak to God, that our hearts are directed toward God. While at service, whether to believers or to sinners, the purpose of hymn singing at that time seems to be part of the sermon, which is sung to man. When we are alone, we may sing hymns that fellowshipping with ourselves. Therefore, we need to learn to sing to God in church meetings (bread-breaking meetings, prayer meetings and fellowship meetings), and sometimes we may sing to ourselves. In service meetings (gospel meetings and message meetings) , you may have hymns toward man or toward God. When at home, if you have personal needs, you may have hymns singing to yourself.