2024-06-13 周四 诗的分类










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Categories of Hymns – Col. 3:16

Category 1 – Trumpet of the Gospel

This category is specially used for preaching the gospel. This includes the feeling of sin, the status of sinners, God’s love, God’s righteousness, the redemption of the cross, man’s repentance and man’s belief, etc. Gospel hymns are meant to be sung by those who listen to the gospel. The problem is that hymns are composed by those who are saved, believers have their own feelings. but unbelievers who listen to the gospel may not have the same feelings as we do. It is difficult to ask them to sing hymns that are not in their feelings. However, if God blesses these hymns, then it is able to express many of the hidden needs within sinners through hymns, allowing a sinner to realize his own situation and see God’s salvation. Sometimes, sinners don’t know how to pray or how to come before God, but because of these hymns, they are able to come before God and ask, and the verses of hymns become their words. Sometimes hymns may be more effective than truth.

Category 2 – Words of Praise

From the day we were saved, we have received the joy from heaven within us, gratitude and praise to heaven have also flowed from within us. As we gradually progress in our spiritual journey and have a deeper understanding of God’s love, God’s righteousness, God’s grace and God’s glory, our praises will continue to sing from our hearts and mouths.

Category 3 – Christ as Life

God’s purpose in redeeming us is for us to live out the life of Christ. God does not ask us to imitate Christ, but desires the resurrected Christ to live out of us. When Christ walked on earth, He lived out Himself through the body he gained from Mary (i.e. Mary manifested Christ). After resurrection and ascension to heaven, His body became the church, and He lives out Himself from the church. Therefore, when we are sinners, what we pursue is salvation and justification; when we become saints, what we pursue is to know the life of Christ, experience the life of Christ and live out the life of Christ (Gal. 2:20). He replaces us to live on the earth: He deals with our sins for us, deals with the temptations we encountered, deals with our flesh; He is our life, sanctification, our love and joy. It is all about Him, not us. The work of the Holy Spirit in this era is for this. From the time we pursue to know the life within us until this life is manifested in trust, fellowship, contentment, fighting and service, all hymns related to the pursuit and experience of this life are in this category.

Category 4 – Church Life

This category includes ordinary Christian life, that is, all daily situations, circumstances, work, and affairs. In this category there are hymns for meetings, weddings, love feasts, families, children and illnesses, etc.