2024-06-12 周三 诗的条件(二)








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Conditions to be a Hymn (2) – Eph. 5:18-19

It Must Have Poetic Form and Structure

Second, truth may not constitute a hymn, but to be a hymn requires poetic form and structure. It cannot be said that as long as there is truth, then it is a hymn. Even with the truth, a hymn must have the poetic form and structure. Singing is not preaching. We cannot use a sermon to sing. There was once a poem, the first seven words of which were “True God created heaven, earth and man”, which is fine as a sermon, but not as a hymn. This is the truth, not a hymn. The psalms in the Bible all have a poetic flavor, whose structure and illustration are delicate, using the words of the poet to express God’s desires. Therefore, it is not necessary to have a certain length to be considered a hymn. The entire structure and form have to be a poem.

It Must Have the Spiritual Reality

Third, in addition to the truth and poetic form and structure, a hymn also needs to have the spiritual contact and touch the spiritual reality. For example, Psalm 51 is a psalm of David’s repentance. When we read it, we see that David’s repentance was doctrinally correct, and we also see that his words did not come randomly, and that their structure was tortuous. At the same time, we feel that there is something in it: a spiritual reality, a spiritual feeling, which we might call it the burden of poetry. The feeling of his repentance filled that poem. One feature of Psalms is that every time we read it, the feelings of poets are reliable. When the poet is joyful, he jumps up and cheers loudly; when he is sad, he cries bitterly. It is not just words without the reality, there is a spiritual reality in the words.

Therefore, a hymn must not only have truth, but also have a poetic form and structure, and it must also have a practical spiritual feeling. In other words, if a poem is about crying, it should cry; if it is about joy, it should be joyful. When it talks about something, it should make us feel that thing. We cannot sing a hymn of repentance without inward resonating. On the contrary the more we sing, the more we laugh. In the same manner, we cannot say that we are praising God without being joyful; we cannot say that a hymn is about consecration without our feeling being devotion, we cannot say that a psalm shows that we have fallen before God and been broken by Him, and yet we still feel that we are doing well and have something to boast about. The feeling of poetry must be real, it must touch the spiritual reality.

A hymn must be in truth with a poetic structure. Meanwhile, it is able to cause the singer to touch the spiritual reality and to allow the singer to touch what is said in the hymn. These three conditions have to be fulfilled to be considered a good hymn.