2024-06-11 周二 诗的条件(一)









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Conditions to be a Hymn (1) – Mark 14:26

It Must Be Based on Truth

Every qualified hymn should have three basic conditions. If one of these is missing, it is not a good hymn. First, it must be based on truth. Many hymns meet other conditions very well, but they are not in truth. If you ask God’s children to sing those hymns, you are putting them in error and asking them to come before God with human errors, which is bringing them into an inappropriate situation. When God’s children sing hymns, they need to direct their feelings towards God. If there are wrong doctrines in the hymns, those feelings will only deceive themselves and not be able to touch the reality. God cannot allow us to meet Him with hymns, but can only meet Him with truth. We can only come before God in the truth. If we do not come before God in the truth, it is wrong and we cannot touch the reality.

For instance, there is a gospel hymn talking about the blood of the Lord Jesus washing our hearts. However, we have not seen words about the blood of the Lord Jesus washing our hearts in the New Testament. The blood of the Lord Jesus does not wash our hearts, no such verse is found in the Bible. Heb. 9:14 says that the blood of the Lord Jesus cleanses our conscience, the conscience in our heart, but the blood does not cleanse the heart itself. The blood of the Lord cleanses us from our sins. Once our sins are cleansed, our conscience no longer accuses us before God. Thus, the blood cleanses the conscience, not the heart. Our hearts cannot be washed clean with blood. Man’s heart is more deceitful than all else (Jer. 17:9), and no matter how you wash it, it cannot be cleansed. The Bible’s teaching on the heart is to remove man’s heart of stone and give him a heart of flesh (Ezek. 36:26). It is to give us a new heart, not to wash away the old heart. If you go before the Lord to praise and say, “The blood of Jesus washes our hearts”, it is inconsistent with the truth.

There are many hymns having no assurance, but only hope and desire to be saved,  and seek salvation. We need to remember that every believer comes to God with assurance. With full confidence and with full assurance we come to Him. If a person sings hymns as if he is an outsider, it will make one think that this person is not God’s people, that he merely desires to be God’s people. There are many hymns that seem to be unable to receive God’s grace and are always asking for it. Such hymns put Christians in a wrong position. The Christian’s position is secure that he believes he is saved. Any hymn that lacks such assurance is not what Christians should sing.

Another common mistake in hymns is that man enters into glory after death, as if man may enter glory by death. However, the Bible does not say that. Entering into glory is another matter. We do not enter into glory after we die, but wait for resurrection. The Lord entered into glory only after His resurrection, this is a clear teaching in the Bible (1 Cor. 15:43). We should not sing any hymn that causes God’s children to have the illusion that they will “enter into the glory after death”, because there is no such thing. Therefore, a good hymn must have the truth from the Bible, otherwise it will lead Christians into errors.