2024-06-07 周五 那灵基督的内住(二)



我们要在灵里,有一个条件。这条件是神的灵住在我们里面。 “住”字真正的意思是“安家”。神的灵若居住、安家在我们里面,我们就在灵里。虽然你得救了,但神的灵也许还没有安家在你里面。这说明为甚么你还不在灵里。神的灵若能安家在我们里面,定居在我们里面,得着充分的空间,我们就会在灵里,不在肉体里。然而,神的灵若没有空间可居住,我们就仍在肉体里,不在灵里。





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The Indwelling of Christ the Spirit (2) – Rom 8:9-11

The Indwelling of God’s Spirit

There is a condition for us to be in the spirit. The condition is that the Spirit of God dwells in us. The word “dwells” really means “makes home.” We are in the spirit if the Spirit of God dwells, makes His home, in us. Although you are saved, perhaps the Spirit of God does not yet make His home in you. This explains why you are still not in the spirit. If the Spirit of God can make His home in us, settling Himself in us with adequate room, then we will be in spirit and not in the flesh. However, if the Spirit of God does not have this room in which to lodge, we will remain in the flesh, not in the spirit.

The Indwelling of the Spirit of Christ

Rom 8:9 says, “But if anyone has not the Spirit of Christ, he is not of Him.” If you have realized that the Spirit of God does not yet make His home in you, do not be discouraged. Although the Spirit of God does not dwell in you, you do have the Spirit of God which is the Spirit of Christ. As long as you have the Spirit of Christ, you are of Christ. We all must declare, “Hallelujah, I am of Christ!” However, it is a conditional matter whether or not the Spirit of God, which is the Spirit of Christ, dwells in us. The Spirit of Christ has to make His home in us, has to take possession of our inner being, that we may be in the spirit.

The Indwelling of Christ

Rom 8:10 says, Christ is in you. In chapter six we are in Christ; but in chapter eight Christ is in us. To be in Christ is one aspect; to have Christ in us is another. First, we abide in Christ, then Christ abides in us. Our abiding in Him brings His abiding in us. Being in Christ is the condition for Christ to be in us. Praise the Lord that Christ is in us! Christ has wrought Himself into us; This Christ has to dwell and make His home in us.