2024-06-06 周四 那灵基督的内住(一)






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The Indwelling of Christ the Spirit (1) – Rom 8:9-11

If Christ Were Not the Spirit, He Could Never Indwell Us

In Rom 8:9-10, we find three synonymous terms used interchangeably: “the Spirit of God,” “the Spirit of Christ,” and “Christ.” Furthermore, Rom 8:11 refers to the indwelling Spirit. These synonyms indicate and prove that Christ is the indwelling Spirit. Undoubtedly “the Spirit of God” in verse 9 is “the Spirit of life” in verse 2. After Paul mentions “the Spirit of God,” he speaks about the “Spirit of Christ” and “Christ” Himself. Hence, Christ in us is the indwelling Spirit. He is “the Spirit of life,” He is “the Spirit of God,” and He is also “the Spirit of Christ” indwelling us that He may impart Himself as life to us. Christ not only imparts life to our spirit, but also to our minds and to our mortal bodies 

“But you are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you…” (Rom 8:9). Many verses in the epistles begin with the wonderful word “but.” Hallelujah for “but”! In our history we need many “buts” such as this. We should be able to say, “Oh, I was down this morning, ‘but.’ I am so weak in myself, ‘but.’ I am absolutely hopeless, ‘but.’” Paul says, “But you are not in the flesh….” Never say that you have a good flesh and that you are in your good flesh. We should not remain in our flesh, for our flesh has been condemned. If a house has been condemned by the government, it is illegal for you to stay there. Likewise, the flesh has been thoroughly condemned by God, and we should not remain there, arguing that our flesh has improved. We should not be in the flesh, but in the spirit.