2024-06-04 周二 凡从神生的就胜过世界








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For Whatever Is Born of God Overcomes the World – 1 John 5:4-5

The Tripartite Man and Three Steps of God’s Salvation 

As human beings we have three parts: the spirit, the soul and the body. In God’s salvation there are three steps: regeneration, transformation and transfiguration. Regeneration took place in our spirit when we believed in the Lord Jesus. Now if we abide in the fellowship of the divine life, this will open the way for the divine life to spread into our soul and to transform the parts of our inward being. When the Lord Jesus comes back, He will transfigure our bodies. Then we shall be fully in the divine life and in the divine glory. Today both our soul and body give us trouble. If we do not abide in the fellowship of the divine life, our body and soul will give us a difficult time. All believers have experienced regeneration, the initial step of God’s salvation. Through regeneration, the divine birth, we received the divine life, the eternal life, which is in the Son. Actually, this eternal life is the Son Himself.

The Regenerated Spirit Overcomes the World

According to 5:4, everything that has been begotten of God overcomes the world. We have seen that “everything” points to the human spirit. Therefore, it is the regenerated human spirit that overcomes the world.  It is the divine life in our spirit that has the ability to overcome the evil, satanic world. We are surrounded by temptations. What can overcome them? The divine life in our spirit can overcome temptation. We all need to see that our spirit is mingled with the divine life and is the organ that can overcome the world.

Regarding overcoming the world, we should not trust in our own ability or effort, we need to trust our spirit. Our spirit is well able to overcome Satan and the world, the evil system. But in ourselves we cannot overcome the world. When we exercise our spirit, stay in our spirit, and walk by our spirit, we shall see that our spirit has the life ability to overcome all negative things. This is why we need to exercise our spirit to have fellowship with the Lord and pray concerning the enjoyment of the Lord. We also need to exercise our spirit to call on the Lord’s name and to pray-read the Word. This exercise stirs up the ability in our spirit to overcome the world.