2024-06-03 周一 凡信耶稣是基督的就是神生的








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Whoever Believes that Jesus Is Christ Is Born of God – 1 John 5:1

Our Spirit Is Regenerated by the Divine Life

In 5:4 John says, “Because everything that has been begotten of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory which overcame the world – our faith.” The word “everything” refers to every person who has been begotten of God. Yet such an expression should refer especially to the part that has been regenerated with the divine life, that is, the spirit of the regenerated person (John 3:6). The regenerated spirit of the believer does not practice sin (1 John 3:9), and it overcomes the world. His divine birth with the divine life is the basic factor of such victorious living.

 Both John’s Gospel and Epistle stress the divine birth, which the divine life is imparted into the believers in Christ. This divine birth that brings in the divine life is the basic factor of all the mysteries concerning the divine life. It assures the God-begotten believers, giving them confidence in the ability and virtue of the divine life.

Regeneration Takes Place in Our Spirit

John 3:6 says that that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. This indicates that regeneration takes place in our spirit. Because our spirit has been regenerated, it cannot sin. On the contrary, our spirit can overcome all negative things.

Our spirit has been regenerated with the divine life. This means that the divine life has been imparted or infused into our spirit. However, our body has not been regenerated, and our soul still remains without the life of God. For this reason, once we have been regenerated in our spirit, we should dwell in the divine life so that it may have free course to spread into our soul. The spreading of the divine life from our regenerated spirit into our soul produces a metabolic change in our being, a change which is called transformation in the New Testament. By this we see that after regeneration in our spirit, we need the divine life to saturate our soul in order to cause the transformation of our inner being, the metabolic change of our soul. Eventually, the time will come when our body will be transfigured by the power of the divine life into a glorious body.