2024-06-01 周六 作基督身体的彰显









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The Manifestation of the Body of Christ – Eph. 1:29

The Process of Sonship

According to Rom. 8:29, we all shall be conformed to the image of Christ. By conformation, we are brought into the reality of sonship. When we were born again, we had just a small portion of the sonship. Now the sonship needs to spread within us until it saturates our whole being. Eventually, at the time of the Lord’s coming back, even our physical body will be saturated with the sonship. Thus, the saturation of our body with the sonship is the redemption of our body.

Today our spirit is in the sonship, but our body is not. According to the spirit we are sons of God, but according to our physical body, we are not yet in the sonship. The transfiguration, the redemption, of our body at the Lord’s coming back will be the last step of the sonship. At that time, we shall be brought wholly and thoroughly into sonship. In every part of our being – spirit, soul, and body – we shall be the real sons of God. Then we shall be glorified. We have the spirit of sonship as a foretaste: whenever we call on “Abba Father”, we will have this sweet foretaste. This sonship is resurrecting, sanctifying, transforming and conforming us into the image of Christ.

The Body Built up with Sons

These many brothers, the many sons of God, are the members of the Body of Christ. Because the Body can be built up only with sons of God, not with sinners in the flesh, the sonship is mentioned first and the Body is mentioned later. Only after we have been conformed to the image of Christ can we have the reality of the Body, of which we all are members. The goal of the gospel as revealed in the book of Romans is to transform sinners in the flesh into sons of God in the spirit for the formation of the Body of Christ. The Apostle Paul served God in this gospel. We today must also learn to serve God in such a gospel.