2024-05-30 周四 儿子的灵引导








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The Leading of the Spirit of Son – Rom. 8:14

The Spirit in us leads us to live a life of God’s sons. The “leading” in Rom 8:14 is not merely an action of the Spirit, it is the Triune God Himself becoming the leading in our spirit. If we would care for Him as a person who indwells us, we will spontaneously be led by Him. The leading of the Spirit is inwardly, not outwardly, which is composed of the law of the life of the Spirit, the Spirit and life.

This verse speaks of our being led by the Spirit rather than of the Spirit’s leading us, indicating that although the Spirit is ready to lead us, we must take the initiative to be led by Him. This means that we must take Him as our life and everything and that we must put to death everything of the old creation in us. We do not need to seek after the Spirit’s leading, since it is already present within us, dwelling in our regenerated spirit. If we live under this leading, we will walk and behave in a way that proves that we are God’s sons.

There is a great distinction in verse 16 between sons of God and children of God. Children refers to the initial stage of sonship, the stage of regeneration in the human spirit. Sons are the children of God who are in the stage of the transformation of their souls. They not only have been regenerated in their spirit and are growing in the divine life, but they also are living and walking by being led by the Spirit. We may be children of God, whom the Spirit Himself with our spirit testifies, yet without the mark of God’s sons. Thus, we need to grow in life, from an initial stage of children of God to a more advanced stage, led by the Spirit in life to live a life of God’s sons.

The Spirit Sanctifies and Transforms Us

Transformation is the changing aspect of sanctification, and sanctification is the transformation and separating aspect. Before we were saved, we were in a fallen state. One day the Holy Spirit comes to seek us and sanctifies us for God, that we may be used by God in order to fulfill His purpose. However, our life, nature, elements, essence, and even our whole being are still in the old creation. For this reason, when the Spirit sanctifies us for God, He also dispenses the divine life, nature, essence and element into us so that we may be transformed and conformed to the image of Christ.